Teespring Tech Update: Campaign Analytics

Tees the Season to make data driven decisions! Today, we’re excited to announce the full release of our new campaign analytics system, giving you the “gift of data.” Simply click on the analytics icon next to a campaign to see campaign-specific analytics right from your Teespring dashboard! Read on for more details about what types of data we’re showing and how these new numbers can help drive huge Holiday Sales.

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Narrowing In- With our new analytics system, you can zero in on the data that matters the most to you. You’ll now have the flexibility to configure data by runs and by date.

Runs– From your campaign analytics page, you can choose whether you want to see data from your most current run, from any previous run or from all of your runs combined. Gone are the days of digging through all of your campaigns to find the right relaunch. You’ll be able to access historical performance from any run associated with the campaign from the analytics page!

Date Picker– Once you select your preferred run option, you’ll have the ability to narrow down your view to specific dates and date ranges. On the left, you’ll see hotlinks that allow you to quickly select Today, Yesterday, the Last 3 Days or the Last 7 Days. You can also select a custom date range from the calendar. Click Update and all of the data on the page will adjust accordingly.

Timezone– The new analytics supports the Default Timezone Setting from the Settings page of your dashboard. If you’d like to see your analytics in a different timezone, go to your Settings page, choose a different timezone, and your campaign analytics will adjust accordingly. Please note that the aggregated summary statistics on your campaigns dashboard will also adjust to the new timezone.

What’s the Data?

The first piece of data you’ll see is a recap of your numbers, aka Summary Statistics. This will provide you a high level snapshot of your Orders, Units, Conversion Rate and Estimated Profit for the particular campaign.

You’ll also see a glimpse into cancelled Orders and Units. Simply click on the Orders or Units number and the Summary Statistics will expand to show you orders and units, placed versus cancelled. See below for the expanded view on Units.

Get Variables

After that, you’ll see a section dedicated to your GET Variables. For those of you who are less familiar with GET variables, they’re URL parameters that you or Teespring can append to the end of a URL to help differentiate what kind of traffic it is. For example, you might see something like this: teespring.com/newcampaign?getvariable=test. In the GET variable table, you would see the key: getvariable and value: test. Then you’d be able to see how many views, orders, units and what the conversion rate is associated with all traffic that includes ?getvariable=test at the end of the URL. GET variables are used to keep track of performance and traffic across marketing channels.

Teespring Boost

The Teespring Boost section is meant to give you a sense of units generated from using Teespring tools. Currently that includes using the New Campaign Launch message template, using promotion codes and utilizing our cross-sell feature tied to a storefront. The Teebonus category refers to free units driven from Teespring marketing efforts including retargeting on your behalf!

Products Breakdown

The Product Breakdown table lets you know which products are the hottest sellers, and helps you estimate how much you’re making for each product and color combination. Pro Tip: if you find that one product in particular is selling really well, switch out your ad image or drive traffic directly to that product type.

Update Schedule- Data for the new campaign analytics system updates hourly. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see when the data was last updated. Also please note that since this system is new, only campaigns with a start date of after 8/1 are supported. For campaigns before 8/1, you will not be able access or see data using the new system. For campaigns where it was originally launched before 8/1, but has a relaunch that started after 8/1, you’ll be able to see data for the most recent run and for any run that started after 8/1, but you will not be able to see All Runs.

Thanks for reading up on the New Campaign Analytics function. We hope this “gift of data” will help you “sell smarter” than ever, and add even more units to your Tees the Season Holiday count!

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